As last year came to a close I knew 2014 would be a year of firsts. I had signed up for my first Ultra!! I have been running for years (actually starting in 6th grade and was a 400 meter runner) but started racing on the asphalt 9 years ago when my friend was looking for someone to fill in on her Ogden Marathon relay team. Two weeks later I ran 9 miles the farthest I have ever ran in my life! I loved the thrill and drive the racing scene gave me. Soon after I found out I was pregnant with my third kiddo and running was a bit more difficult and painful (unfortunately). Slowly I got back into it and wanted to race again. Almost two years from my introduction to the racing scene and two weeks before the Ogden Marathon, which I had been so diligently training for I got injured. I had to back down to the half marathon at last minute. Bummed, I continued to train after the injury healed up. I ran one more half marathon that year, the Bryce Canyon. Training was hard to fit in with my busy schedule. I had small kids and worked, I did what I could! Which is where I stemmed my motto from, "Do what you can when you can!" If my kids had practice I had practice!
The following year I was strong and I ran my first marathon! Then I was hooked! I have now ran 11 road marathons, several road relays, a handful of road half marathons and even one 10k. In 2009 a good friend of mine introduced me to trail running. He gave me a pair of shoes and made me go with him! Little did I know what I was get myself into. It was hard and it made me feel weak. Which is why I kept doing it. My inner competiveness kicked in and I would set myself goals at what hill was next to climb without walking.
The year of 2012 I decided to try racing on the trails. I ran the Mt View Half Marathon and got second place! Whoa! I knew the race was small but 2nd place stemmed a new drive inside me. I also figured out where I belonged, which was the trails! I had always been a mountain gal, what was I thinking running on asphalt! The spring of 2013 I ran a trail relay and got stuck doing 1.5 times my allotted runs and was more than happy doing it. I had found my 'Happy Place'! Later in the year I ran the Mt Half again and couple weeks later ran my first trail marathon in Moab. Having been sick the whole week before the race and during the race I still came out of the race thinking this was one of the best things I have ever done in my life! I LOVED every minute of it! I even did really well!
After pondering maybe for a minute or two I decided I was ready to make the move to run longer and tread into new territory! I signed up for my first Ultra, the Moab Red Hot 55K. Two weeks after signing up for that one I signed up for Speedgoat and El Vaquero Loco. Oh man what was I thinking I didn't even know if I was going to like this distance or if I could even do it! There is even more I went ahead and signed up for a 50 miler. I used to think these people were crazy and now I was becoming one of them. We will see how this year goes but I am so excited for crossing into this new territory! We will see what the future holds! I am so excited for this year of racing!
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